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The word of the month for September, is Transformation.

In Romans 12:2, the Word says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (KJV).  The renewing of our mind is essential to having peace of mind and direction.  Everyday, we are being influenced by positive and negative energies around us.  Some information we take in consciously, and some information we take in unconsciously.   Sometimes, we have to unlearn what the world teaches us.  Life experiences transform you into the person that you are today.  Good life experiences, influence us in some way; just like bad life experiences, influence us in some way.  Praying for Gods' guidance and clarity is what helps us stay on the right path.  Having a spirit of discernment, allows us to be able to differentiate good from evil.  Having a spirit of discernment will require us to transform our mind.

The way in which we govern our behaviors whether good or evil, is determined by how we think.  It is said that we think, how we are.  Who are you or who have you become as a result from your life experiences, whether good or bad?  Depending upon how we are as a person (our character), determines how we tend to believe that those around us might be just like we are.  But, that generalization is not always true.  Everyone is not the same and everyone does not think like you do. So, don't always think that my motives and intentions are what your motives and intentions would be in different situations.  My heart, is not your heart. My ways, are not like your ways.  The way that I think, is probably much different from the way that you think.  So, when I treat someone good, who treats me badly, do not think that I have an ulterior motive for treating them good.  I treat everyone how I want to be treated, despite how they treat me and when I have to wrestle with that concept, I choose not to be around that person and/or people.  At the end of our lives, we are All going to be held individually accountable for how we treated people, not by how people treated us; that is between them and God.  How you treat people is between you and God.  So, try to not only view the world and the people in it from your own perspective.  Transform your mind, so that you can see the world and the people in it, beyond your mental limitations.

Transformation requires a mental awareness, consciousness and a paradigm shift to transform your mind by retraining your brain to think differently.  To start this transformation, you have to be willing to be open-minded.  You have to believe that you can be transformed.  You can change the way you think and behave.  You can expand your way of thinking.  A closed mind, is resistant to transformation/change.  You have to believe that people can change/transform, including yourself.  They have to want to change.  You have to want to change.  Some people view change as a negative word, but change is good and necessary for growth.  Transformation is good, so ask God to change your heart, because when your heart is changed, your mind will change also.  When your heart and mind are changed, your actions will change also; this is transformation.

Be mindful of what you allow in your mental space and in your heart.  You can't let everything you hear or read go from your head to your heart.  Where our heart is, lies our treasures and not everyone deserves to be in that space.  This is where the spirit of discernment is most beneficial, because you will then know what to take in (process), and what to not take in (ignore).  Transformation is not about not being true to yourself.  Transformation is about being true to who God created you to be.  Transform your mindset to learn to see the world beyond your scope of understanding.  Lean not to your own understanding. Pray for the spirit of discernment, guidance, and deliverance, so that you will listen to the will of God for your life.  Ask God, what is His will for your life and Trust it.  Transformation might be uncomfortable, at first, but trust that God knows what He's doing.  Let Him lead you.  Be ready to be Transformed.  Be open to being Transformed.

By Lynnette Clement  

Stripe and Spheres

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