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As we continue to battle the Coronavirus Pandemic, limited travel is still enforced.  Although, there are several reduced travel deals available we do not recommend that you travel during this pandemic, unless you are required to do so. 

It is better for yourself as well as others to at least wait until they find a cure and/or vaccine that is successful for treating the Coronavirus.  There are airlines that are offering additional flyer mile incentives as well as reduced rates.  However, if you plan to book a vacation, planning now for next year might prove to be less of a safety risk.   The States Florida, Georgia and South Carolina have slowly re-opened their beaches, gyms and salons after the President has begun to allow certain State governors to determine what they want to re-open first. 


Without a cure or successful vaccine in sight, I would never recommend re-opening areas where more people are most likely to convene avoiding the social distancing requirements.  Each of us should make smart decisions for ourselves, our families, and those around us.  What impacts us doesn’t always impact the decision makers, so stay healthy, practice social distancing and practice good hygiene.  Do not go out to areas where a lot of people are, to avoid the continuous spread of this virus.  The CURE is what is needed right now.  Stay safe and well.

By Bryce Thompson

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