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These last few years have fostered separatism.  Our differences have spear headed a movement of division among people from a different race, creed, political views, and socio-economic status.  However, we can do more together than we can do a part from one another.  We have to learn how to collaborate with one another to reach common goals.  In a multi-cultural world, we have to learn to work together.  It takes all of us to make the world run efficiently and effectively.  Even with the new administration, liberals, democrats, and republicans have to work together to ensure that all people have equal access to the same opportunities and resources.

Too often, some people work in isolation and do not share information or resources freely as if they don’t want anyone else to surpass them on the way to the “top” and/or be on their same level of success.  Some people who are already at the “top” act as if they want everyone else to have to go through the same struggle that they had to go through to get to the top, instead of extending access to the information that they have or access to their resources that could help someone else not have to go through what they had to go through to get to where they are today.  Isn't helping others what life is all about, when you reach your pinnacle of success?   Is reaching back to see how you can help someone else, so far out of reach? 

I read a post on Instagram that read, “Some people won’t support you, until it is popular to support you.”  This statement is so true, unfortunately.  If a celebrity endorses your product or services, then people are more inclined to support your efforts as well.  When your name becomes a “buzz word,” then more people will reach out and want to invite you to be a part of their world in a way that is beneficial to them.  We have truly changed.  Whatever happened to working together to help one another succeed?  I don’t think that people should ever get too “big” that they consider doing things for others too “small” for them (beneath them).   I’m not saying share your resources and information with everybody.  You have a right to choose who you want to share your resources and information with.  You have a right to choose who you collaborate with.  What I am saying is, don’t choose to not collaborate with someone because you feel like you have nothing to gain.  You never know what you might learn during the process or what other opportunities might arise from that collaboration.

Collaboration is a great way to engage in team building, engagement, relationship building, and a way to achieve higher success rates.  You have to build trust with the person or people you collaborate with and know how to be open and transparent when you communicate with the team or person.  You also have to respect one another and empower one another to reach goals effectively.   To collaborate effectively, you have to be willing to relinquish full control and be open to sharing information and resources.  You also have to be open to constructive feedback about ideas and know how to resolve conflict as well as solve problems. 


When collaborating with others, it is also good to establish a judgement free environment where each person can share ideas freely.  Create an inclusive environment, where every member of the team provides input.  You also have to be open to learning and be in alignment about reaching common goals.  Each collaborator has to be willing to put their ego aside for the betterment of the team.  When collaborating with a lot of people, it is best to assign roles and responsibilities to each member of the team, so that everyone knows what they are responsible for as a productive member of a team environment.  Through collaboration, leadership skills can be developed, innovation is cultivated, creativity flows, and people are more productive.  So, think about helping someone other than yourself.  Instead of thinking that the person or people you are helping is/are trying to take something away from you, think about how rewarding it feels to help someone avoid the stressors and struggles of life that you went through to get to where you are today.  Instead of talking down to someone or talking about someone in secret/privately...talking about what they should and shouldn't be doing, share your expertise freely, share your resources and information on how to do it right.  Collaborate with someone who really needs your help and help him/her level up or shut up.

By Bryce Thompson

Team High Five

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