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Lynnette Clement


This month we honor and celebrate the Creative Director of the Love Exquisite Magazine, Lynnette Clement.  First, let me start by wishing Lynnette a very happy 50th birthday!  Where do I begin to tell you how much we love and appreciate Lynnette for all that she does, for the phenomenal woman that she is, and is still becoming?  Lynnette is the driving force behind bringing you words of wisdom and encouragement every month in this monthly publication (For FREE).  What some people might not know about Lynnette is that she has a good heart and a positive mind.  She is also a counselor and confidant to friends and those close to her.  She is Godfearing and has an extremely helpful spirit.  She does a lot behind the scenes, she volunteers her time to feed the less fortunate, donates apparel to the less fortunate, volunteers at various charities, plan and host events to help combat senseless gun violence in Philadelphia, trains people on how to  budget their money, teach people how to use microsoft office programs, as well as help people build basic websites for their business, all without expecting anything in return. 

On a good day, you might even find Lynnette sliding into your DM and sharing a prayer or words of encouragement with you, if she comes across your social media page and learns that you are faced with some type of challenge in life that you are having difficulty coping with (even if she doesn't know you personally).  If you are blessed to know Lynnette
, you know that she is a kind-hearted, beautiful, intelligent, self-less and caring individual.  However, if you know her you also know that if you wrong her in any way, she lives up to her Taurus the bull zodiac sign personality traits.  She will forgive you, but you will definitely feel her absence. She is truly a woman of character and wisdom.  We honor Lynnette in the May 2022 issue of the Love Exquisite Magazine.

Lynnette is a true, rare gem.  She is not just a talker, she is a doer.  She wanted a magazine that promotes knowledge sharing, is informative, useful, and highlights every day people, who are doing good things that you don't get to see or hear about in other magazines or mainstream media, so she created the Love Exquisite Magazine to ensure equal opportunity.  Lynnette is a radio co-host, entrepreneur, educator, author, award winning actress, columnist, coordinator, and mentor, who loves God.  She recently added songwriter to her many talents.  Lynnette is also educated, she is a licensed cosmetologist, licensed financial planner, certified make-up artist, certified in Strategic Human Resources Management, and earned a degree in Business Computing, B.A. in Psychology and a M.A. in Education.  We don't know how she finds the time to do all that she does, but she excels in multi-tasking and creativity.

Lynnette is a beautiful, sweetheart who deserves nothing but the best in life.  In our May 2022 issue of the magazine, we are wishing her the best year ever! 
Happy 50th Birthday, Lynnette!  We thank and celebrate you for all that you do!  We Love You!

By Jason Torrents

© 2019 - 2022 Love Exquisite Magazine / Love Exquisite Media and Press Publishing, LLC

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