JUNE 2023
We Educate to Elevate.
Peace of mind is priceless. It gives you a sense of calmness, serenity, and a lack of worry about things that you cannot control. Having peace of mind is being undisturbed by things or people that are meant to disturb you. It is a freedom from worry and anxiety and allows your conscience to sleep peacefully at night. It is a tranquil mental space to be in, because it releases you from worrying about the pressures of life, as well as the people in it. It is not that you disregard things or people; it is that you don’t let life or people make you become stressed about things that you cannot control. It is a state of inner peace and calmness that is not dependent on what is or isn’t going on around you.
Having peace of mind helps you think more positively about whatever it is that you are experiencing. External forces cannot penetrate your peace. It is a beautiful place to be mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Peace of mind is relaxing your mind from overthinking and from negativity. It is a state of contentment and unexplainable appreciation for life and living. You control your peace of mind by not allowing circumstances or people to influence how you feel about yourself and how you feel and think about your life. You do not allow external conditions to control your thought process. It is a steadiness that causes you to elevate above circumstances that are beneath you mentally.
It takes mental maturity, a good sense of self-efficacy, and emotional stability to achieve peace of mind. Staying in control of your mind, keeps out negative influences that try to penetrate your way of thinking. As the sayings go, “Misery loves company," and "Hurt people, hurt people;” when you have peace of mind you do not allow others to cause you misery, and if someone hurts you, you are able to move past the hurt and release it from your conscience. Their conscience and how they sleep at night is affected, but you are not, because you have peace of mind. When people do things to be spiteful, it is on their conscious, not yours. When things happen to you in life that are unpleasant, whatever causes the situation has to deal with the intent behind the action; don’t carry the weight of the circumstances. Instead of carrying the weight of a situation that you have no control over, focus on what you can do to make your situation better to get to a positive outcome.
Having peace of mind is a pleasant mental model to adopt for yourself. I encourage you to free yourself from the captivity of others whom you let control your way of thinking. I encourage you to work on having peace of mind. Try my suggested strategies to achieve peace of mind:
-Eliminate the expectation that everyone is as kind and thoughtful as you are.
-Eliminate the expectation of how people should think and behave.
-Practice forgiveness, because it frees you from captivity of whatever or whomever you need to release.
-Engage in meditation to help clear your mind of negativity.
-Accept the things and people that you cannot change. You are in control of who you allow in your life, who you keep in your life, and how you allow people to treat you.
-Practice self-care, by making time to be alone with your thoughts and do things that you enjoy. Self-care is not selfish, it is prioritizing YOU.
-Practice replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
-Don’t allow the things that people do, don’t do, and say, influence your self-worth. You are still someone special with or without them.
-Ignore and stay away from negativity.
-Surround yourself with positivity.
-Develop strong, positive coping mechanisms, so that you are prepared when things do not go the way you expect or planned.
-Pray for peace of mind.
-Know that whatever someone says or does to you (negatively), does not change the awesome person that you are.
-Declutter your life by getting things in your life organized and take responsibility for keeping order.
-Be careful not to engage in activities that impact your conscience in a negative way (usually, after you have done something inappropriate). No one else dictates who you are, YOU do.
-Care less about things that are not important. Care about and focus on what’s important.
Your life is so precious, and you only get to live it once. I pray that all of you achieve peace of mind and stay in that serene place forever. It is a great place to be!
By Lynnette Clement