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Staying focused on doing what you need to do even when you don’t feel like it, takes discipline.  Discipline can be difficult to achieve, because it requires us to move from our comfort zone into what makes us uncomfortable. If we want to eat better, or exercise more, those things require us to be disciplined enough to set aside time to exercise and to make a conscious decision to purchase and cook healthier foods.  If we want to save money, we have to be disciplined with the way that we spend our money to ensure that we are prioritizing saving money.  If we want to be monogamous in a relationship, we have to make the conscious decision to stay focused on loving our mate the right way and devoting our time and energy to being and staying faithful in our relationship.


Discipline can sometimes look selfish, because discipline could require you to have to say, No, to doing things that will cause you to lose focus.  You have to be mindful of the people you hang around, making sure that they respect what you are trying to focus on.  Discipline requires focus, attention to detail, and a tunnel vision like view of the thing that you are trying to be disciplined about.

One of the hardest things to do on a consistent basis is to practice being disciplined. Discipline requires work on our part, and sometime we do not always feel like doing the work required to have discipline.  It takes discipline to focus on writing for this magazine every month on a voluntary basis. You have to consistently remind yourself of the goal at hand and be disciplined enough to achieve that goal.  It can be hard to have discipline, because most of the time discipline requires us to give up something.  If your favorite television program comes on at 10pm, and you know you have to get up at 6am to prepare for work, you might have to go to bed before 10pm, so that you are not tired when you wake up in the morning.  If you see a pair of sneakers that you want to purchase, but you only have enough money to pay your rent, you have to make the responsible decision to pay your rent instead of buying the sneakers.  If you see a beautiful person you are attracted to, but you are in a relationship or marriage, you have to be able to not succumb to temptation by having the discipline to stay committed to your significant other. All of these things require, discipline.


Discipline requires strength, will power, and a heart that has a conscience (morality), as well as an emotionally mature mindset to be able to develop and maintain focus.  To some people, discipline might seem too restrictive, but to others, discipline is what is needed to live an ethically moral lifestyle.   In a world full of temptation, try to be disciplined.  Stay focused on achieving your goals.  Stay determined.  Focus on Discipline.

By Lynnette Clement

Boxer in Training


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