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In your relationship, Appreciate each other.  Appreciate what you have while you have it, because it will be too late to appreciate what you don’t have after he/she is longer there.  If you cannot find a reason to appreciate your mate, then you have to ask yourself is he/she the right mate for you?  Appreciation is showing gratitude; knowing that no one owes you anything, but they do nice things for you or say nice things to you anyway and you appreciate them because of it.  Too often, we can take our mate for granted and have the expectation that he/she is supposed to do and say nice things.  Even if you didn't ask your mate for something that he/she gives to you or does for you, appreciate it.  Everyone likes to know and feel that they are appreciated.  Appreciate your mate.


Sometimes, people will remember what you didn't do for them yesterday, and forget all that you have done for them throughout your entire relationship.  However, we should always be appreciative of our mate and remember the good things that he/she does or says.  The way in which you can show appreciation is by saying simple words, like: Thank you, I love you, I appreciate you, and I'm grateful to have you in my life.  You can also show appreciation by reciprocating gift giving, being thoughtful, engaging in spontaneous love making with your mate, greeting cards, doing or giving something that he/she likes/enjoys, and other ways that you can think of to show that you appreciate your mate. 

When we show appreciation, it serves as a positive reinforcement for repetitive behavior.  The quickest way to get someone to stop doing and saying nice things for/to you is by not being appreciative of him/her.  So, if you want your mate to be consistent with how he/she treats you, show appreciation.  Think about the last thing that your mate has said or done to/for you.  Think about all that your mate has done to or for you.  Were you appreciative?  Did you show appreciation?  If you did, good for you!  You're appreciative.  You know how to show appreciation.  If you didn't, apologize to your mate for displaying the characteristic of ungratefulness.  Contact them right now and show him/her that you appreciate having him/her in your life.  He/She deserves it.  Show Appreciation.

By Lynnette Clement


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