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Mental Health
Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.   Your mental health is important to your safety, health and well-being.  It is so important to bring awareness to this important topic, because a lot of people are suffering from mental health illness and do not have to suffer alone.  It is okay to not be okay, however, it is not okay to stay in a depressive state for a long period of time.  There are different types of mental health challenges.  They are: 

  • Bipolar Disorder: formerly known as manic-depressive illness or manic depression.  Bipolar disorder has three different types. This disorder causes difficult shifts in mood, energy, concentration, and the disrupts the ability to take care of daily responsibilities.

  • Anxiety: Several types of anxiety disorders exist. They all begin with the same symptoms of having overwhelming fear and anxiety that rules your life. Anxiety can be so extreme that it affects work, relationships, school, and life in general. Panic disorder, phobias, and social phobias all belong to the family of anxiety disorders. 

  • Substance Abuse Disorder: These disorders indicate recurrent and abusive use of alcohol and drugs. People often use them to self-medicate symptoms of mental illness. In fact, about half of people who have a mental illness also deal with addiction to drugs or alcohol.

  • Depression: This disorder is a mood disorder. Too often, people mistake it for being sad or just in a bad mood. The symptoms can become so extreme that they interfere with life and the ability to carry out regular daily responsibilities

    If any of these mental health challenges are not addressed properly, it can lead to major health problems, like stroke, heart disease, or hypertension/high blood pressure.


It is important to get the help that you need.  Just like I stated in last month's issue, Your healing is not only for you, your healing is also for the betterment of the world around you.  When each person in the world heals from whatever experiences that caused them to feel depressed or broken, just think about how much better we would treat and appreciate each other. 

To help you with your healing process, purchase the book: Coping With Grief:  Your Happiness Is In Your Healing, which is available now on,,,, and other online book retailers..   The authors, Erica Sterling-Bush, and Lynnette Clement, co-wrote this self-help book to help you on your healing journey.  Get your copy today.

By Dietra Myers

Coping with Grief Front Book Cover Final.jpg

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