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People are triggered by different stimuli and respond to the triggers in different ways.  In life, you will encounter people who will always challenge your thought process.  No matter what you say, there will be some people who challenge your theory or logic, possibly because of their own triggers.  Or, because they want you to think like they think.  Triggers are usually caused by past experiences with unpleasant situations.  You don't have to convince anyone to think like you.  You should not try to convince anyone to think like you.  We are all different and do not always have the same perspective, which is what makes us unique; not wrong, just different.


If someone always finds it difficult to be around you, or to agree to disagree with you and move on, it is usually because something about you triggers them.  Those triggers elicit responses from past experiences.  Be mindful of your triggers and how they can impact you from learning, doing new things, and understanding perspectives that may be different from your own. 


There are some people who will read this article and be triggered by what I am saying, not because what I am saying is inaccurate, but merely because of either how they personally feel about me, and/or something that I said in this article elicits an emotional response that derived from a previous experience that reminds them of how they felt about that previous experience. 


Even if you don't agree with or understand my perspective in the articles that I write in the magazine each month, it doesn't mean that what I write about is not accurate.  What I talk about is my own opinion on a topic.  All of us are entitled to our own opinion, even if we do not always agree. Do you agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion?   The good thing about opinions, is that they are just that...opinions.  Opinions are not necessarily facts...and yes, that means your opinion, as well as mine.  Nevertheless, we are both entitled to have them (opinions).   I openly share mine with you each month.


Triggers can cause a break down in communication, so Before you respond to any situation, it is important to check-in with your emotional side and deal directly with what causes your triggers.  Be careful who you expose your triggers to, because some people will use your triggers as a way to bait you into an argument.  Ask yourself, why am I triggered by such stimuli, and why do I feel the need to respond to my triggers?  Some things are not that important, especially if it triggers you to respond in a negative way.  Think about it...What triggers you?  Why?  Life is way too short to let people trigger you into responding to any stimuli in a negative way.

By Lynnette Clement


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