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Mental Wellnes Month


January is Mental Wellness Month

Mental wellness is the preservation of your state of mind being healthy and well.  It is about taking time to check-in with yourself and be honest about how you are doing mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  It is about taking the actionable steps towards being happy and feeling whole.  Taking time out of a busy day to rest and relax is important to your mental wellness.  

In this new year, make sure that you prioritize, you.  You are important and your mindset is important to your mental wellness.  Breathe and begin to live in the moment of each day.  Practice mental wellness daily.  Below are some strategies that you can try to practice daily to achieve and maintain mental wellness:

-Get adequate rest

-Be positive

-Eat healthy


-Practice gratitude


-Go to the spa

-Take better care of yourself

-Treat yourself to something you enjoy

-Stay hydrated

-Remove yourself from stressful situations

-Be patient with yourself

-Practice self-love

-Establish priorities and boundaries

-Communicate your needs with others

-Engage in a good prayer life

May the year of 2024, be the year that you achieve mental wellness.

By Dietra Myers

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