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Because the English language can be quite complicated to comprehend, this month our focus is on learning about Homophones.  Homophones are two or more words that have the same pronunciation, but different meanings and spelling.  Let’s explore some of them.  In doing so, will help you learn and understand the meaning and correct context and spelling to use these words.

Ad is an abbreviation for advertisement/advertising.

Example: I want to place an ad in your magazine.


Add is a mathematical calculation that increases by a specified number.  Example:  Can you add these two numbers together?

Air is the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth.

Example: I love getting out of the house to get some fresh air.

Heir is a person who is legally entitled to the rank or property of a specified persons’ death. (like inherit)

Example:  Prince Jacques is the heir to Prince Albert.

Aisle is a passage between rows of seats.

Example: Walk down the aisle to get to your seat.

Isle is a small island or peninsula.

Example: The isle of Palms is located in South Carolina.

Allowed is being permitted to do something.

Example:  I allowed him to go outside, after his punishment.

Aloud is a speaking tone, like in a whisper or not silence.

Example:  Speak aloud, while you are reading.


Be means to exist or be able to.

Example: Joe Biden would like to be the next President.

Bee is a flying insect. Example: Look out for the bee flying around.

By is to identify the person performing an action.

Example:  The book is written by Lynnette Clement.

Bye refers to a golf game, where one or more holes remaining unplayed, after a match has been decided.  Can also be used to describe a bye week in football (a week off).  (Not to be confused with Good Bye, which means to leave or exit.)

Example: We called the golf game a bye, to finish early when the other team was winning by a large margin.

Buy means to purchase something.

Bear is an animal. Example:  A large bear was found in the park.

Bare is to be exposed.

Remove your clothes and show your bare bottom.


Scent is a smell or fragrance.  Example:  The scent of his cologne smells good.

Sent is the past or present participle of send.

Example:  I sent my friend to the store to buy me a purse.

Cent is a monetary value.  Example: The cost of the soda is one dollar and forty cent.


Miss is to avoid coming into contact with; it can also be used to address a woman; it can also used when you been away from someone and you miss that person.

Examples:  I miss you.

Miss America is so pretty.

Don’t miss your chance to shoot the ball into the basket.

Ms.  is an abbreviation for Miss, a surname that is used to address a woman, usually an unmarried female, but can be used interchangeably, based on context.

Example:  Ms. Ryans is so nice.

To is in the direction of.

Example:  Can you go to the store with me?

Two is a number.

Example: There are two people in the car.

Too means in addition, also, or as well as; overly.

Examples:  I am going to the movies, would you like to go too?

I think too much. 

Break is to stop an activity for a short period of time; it can also be used as causing damage.
Example:  I need a break, so I am going on vacation.

Did you break the glass?

Did she break your heart?

Brake is a pedal on an object like a bike or car.

Example:  When you are at a stop sign, put your foot on the brake.

There means in or at a place or position.

Example:  There is the guy that I was telling you about.

Don’t place your finger there; the hot pot will burn your fingers.

I don’t want to go over there.

They’re is an abbreviation for they are; more than two people.

Example:  They’re not going with us to the movies.

Their is used to show possession.

Example:  Put their house keys down, they’re not your keys.

I could hear their loud voices from downstairs.


Serial is a consecutive or nonconsecutive amount of time; it can also be a specific identifiable number listed on a product.

Example:  He killed a lot of people, so they called him a serial killer. 

Look on the back of your computer box, and give me the serial number, so that I complete the product registration.

Cereal is the name of a food item, usually eaten for breakfast.

Example:  My favorite cereal is, Pops.

I, is used to identify the self.

Example:  I am a nice person.

I don’t think that I like vanilla ice cream.

Eye is each of a pair of globular organs on the face that are usually used to see.

Example: Most humans have more than one eye.  A cyclops has one eye.


Dear is used to address someone; also used as a term of endearment.

Example:  What would you like to eat for dinner, dear?

Dear Mrs. Ryans….

Dare is used when taking a chance and having the courage to do something.

Example:  I dare you to ask dad for more money.

I dare you to ask Lynnette to go out on a date with you.

Deer is an animal.

Example:  The deer was eating grass in the woods.

Here represents a location.

Example:  Come here and stand in front of me.

Was Joey here today?

Hear is the sound perceived with the ear.

Example: Can you hear me? 

I can hear the sound of the ocean waves.


Heel is the sole of the feet.

Example:  Use the pumice stone on the heel of your foot to make your feet feel smooth.

Heal is to recover from injury, wound, thing or person.

Example:  Before you can move on to your next relationship, you have to heal first.


Whole is the total sum of parts; entire.

Example: I ate the whole pizza.

Hole is a hallow place or surface.

Example: The golf ball went right into the hole.


Our shows possession; belonging to or associated with. Examples:  Both of our names are on the deed, so the house is ours.

Our church service starts at 10am.  (My husband and I ..i.e. Our)

Hour is a calculation of time.

Example: I will meet you at the restaurant in an hour.


Damn is to condemn; use as a profane word.

Example: Shut the damn door!

Dam is a barrier constructed to hold back water.

Example: When the dam broke and all of the water consumed the land.


Know is having knowledge of or lack of knowledge.

Examples:  I know the answer to the question.

I know.

I don’t know.

I want to know.

(Not to be confused with Now, which means a period of time that represents presently or current time – I asked you to do it now, not later).

No means not at all; not any; none; to no extent.

Examples:  No, you cannot drive my car.

No, you cannot go out after mid-night.


Made means to make

Examples:  I made him a cake for his birthday.

It is a match made in heaven.

Maid is used to describe a servant.

Example:  The maid is coming today to clean the house.


Mail is usually paper delivery of correspondence.

Examples:  Most of the mail that I receive are billing statements.

Did the mail come today?

Male is a gender, usually associated with a boy or man.


Are you a male or a female?

He described himself as a black male.


One is a number.

Examples:  There is only one apple left.

Can I have one of your apples?

Only one of them had on red shoes.

Won refers to winning.

Examples: I won a trophy for being the MVP of the game

I won the lottery.

I won his heart.


Pair refers to a set.

Example:  Can you buy me a pair of shoes?

At the couples retreat, we were asked to pair up in two’s.

Pear is a fruit.

Examples:  I ate the pear.

The pear tree is pretty.


Right means accurate or a directional location.

Examples:  The right answer is, B.

When you get to the corner, turn right.

You are right, I do think too much.

I think she is the right one for you.

Write refers to written language or symbols, text.

Example: I can write in cursive.

Write down as many possible answers that you can think of.


See refers to having vision; having a sense of

Examples: Can you see the red light? 

I can see that you are upset.

Sea refers to a body of water.

Example: The waves in the sea are too deep to surf.

I can see the boat, when I look out into the sea.


Sew refers to stitching something together.

Example:  She used a sewing machine to sew a hemline in her pants.

If I knew how to sew, I would make clothes all the time.

So is like a blatant disregard; can also be used as a matter of fact.

Examples:  So, I don’t care what you do.

He let me borrow money, so I gave it back to him.

Sow is like to invest in.

Example: The bible states, “You reap, what you sow.”


Steal is like a robbery or take something that does not belong to you; can also be used to describe a good deal.

Examples:  I hate to see looters steal.

The shoes were so cheap, I got a steal (bargain).

Steel is a form of metal.

Example: The fence was made of steel.


Wait means to pause.


How long do we have to wait?

Wait, a second, I’m coming.

I’ll wait until you are ready.

Weight is a measurement of something, like lbs., etc.


I am over weight.

My weight is 140 lbs.

Can you lift a 200lb weight?

The weight of the world is on my shoulders.


Where refers to a place or position. Examples: Where are you going?

Where are my shoe


(Not to be confused with, Were, which means the past tense of something – Example: She and I were friends, but we’re not friends anymore).

Wear refers to adorn or have on one’s body or part of one’s body.


Wear your boots, it is going to snow today.

Wear your raincoat, it is supposed to rain today.

I have to wear underwear.

We’re is an abbreviation for we are.

Example:  We’re going to the beach.

We’re going to dinner at 7pm.

Some is an unspecified amount or number or something.

Examples: I want some ice cream.

Can I have some money?

Give me some peanuts.

Sum is the total calculation of a mathematical equation, usually done by adding numbers together.

Examples:  What is the sum of 10 +12?

The sum of 10+12 is 22.


Rain is moisture condensed from the atmosphere, falls from the sky\

Example:  The rain falls onto the window.

Don’t forget your umbrella, it is supposed to rain today.

Reign is to rule, govern, or hold royal authority; king/queen.

Examples:  The reign of the king.

The horrible kings reign must come to an end.

Jesus reigns forever.


Waist is a part of your body below the ribs, above the hips.

Examples:  You need a larger belt, when you have a large waist.

You have a smaller waist size.

Waste is a byproduct eliminated or discarded; no longer useful; useless, without purpose.


Throw the trash in the waste basket.

Don’t waste my time.

I don’t have time to waste.

There are so many more homophones out there, so just make sure you know how to use them in the right context, especially if you want to make sure that people understand the messages that you are trying to convey.  Learning is always by design.

-Lynnette Clement

Writing by the Water

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