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Being on the same page, at the same time with your mate (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually), is a blessing. Being on one accord in your relationship is a peaceful place to achieve and maintain, whenever possible. Couples should focus on being a united front, working with each other and not against each other. In relationships, you are on the same team, striving and working towards achieving the same goal in unity with one another. Division in thought, values, things that are important to you can cause couples to become out of sync with one another.
In addition to division in thought, values, and things that are important to you; there are also different forms of division, such as dividing up financial and parenting responsibilities, or household chores. Couples can agree or disagree on how those things should be divided. However, the focus in the relationship shouldn’t be on division. The focus in the relationship should be on how to be in harmony with one another, even when you don’t always agree with each other.
Unity is what helps to make couples inseparable. It gives couples a powerful union built on trust, emotional support and strength. When you have unity in your relationship, you know that you can rely on one another to have each other’s back in good times and in times of crisis. Unity is the oneness that gives you a sense of assurance that your mate has your best interest at heart and that you have their best interest at heart as well. If you can strive for anything in your relationship, strive to have peace and unity.
When you have peace and unity in your relationship, it will be hard for external factors, including people, to be able to come in between your union and try to say or do things to break you apart. Unity is a bond that is not easily breakable. It’s a partnership agreement that only the two of you can break. When you have peace and unity in your relationship, it is something that you never want to end.
By Lynnette Clement