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Yolanda Nelson, mother, minister, author, and entrepreneur discuss her experience as a single woman in today's society.  She shares encouraging words to all singles out there, working on becoming a better you in your waiting for what you truly deserve. 

There is a campaign that is in effect from the moment you begin to explore life.  The books and movies are catered around the hope of a Prince coming to save his love, they get married and live happily ever after.  The internal clock starts ticking and the pursuit of happiness begins.  For most, this maybe an over exaggeration, but it is how some members of society view relationships. If you are not married by a said age, there has to be something wrong with you, or you need to put some fire into your plan to vacate the horrible status of being single.  Please do not misunderstand, I am in favor of marriage, however, instead of the constant pursuit to obtain a status, we should work to become our best selves. Single is the time to find out who you are and who you are not.  Before you get connected to your prince/princess charming, you should take time to pursue you in your singleness.  In pursuing you, you can find out somethings that rushing into a marriage doesn't afford you.  When you know who you are, you won't settle for anything less than what you deserve.

Too many times, decisions are made based on an imaginary internal clock.  I encourage you to throw that clock away, it's imaginary anyway.  Start to live in the now and live on purpose.  Single is the time to explore the world without input from another person.  You have nothing stopping you.  Not that having a mate/spouse would stop you, but having the wrong spouse/mate will make life challenging and keep you from reaching your full potential.  Never compromise what you deserve, because of the standards set before you by society.  Live life to the fullest and watch how all that you desire will be drawn to you.  Single doesn't mean settle, it means explore, learn, grow and live life to the fullest.

By Yolanda Nelson


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